Schools out for summer!! 

Summer break is a time that children anticipate all year - with endless playtime, sunny days, and a break from the routine of school. For parents, however, the summer months can bring a mix of excitement and anxiety. How do you keep your children engaged and happy without losing your sanity? Here are a few tips to help get you through the summer with your children home from school.


Embrace the Unstructured Time

One of the best parts of summer is the freedom it offers. Unlike the school year, which is filled with rigid schedules and structured activities, summer break allows for a more relaxed approach. Let your kids have some unstructured time. This can foster creativity, independence, and self-discovery. Encourage them to play outside, read books, or even just daydream. It’s okay to be bored.


Plan Some Activities

While unstructured time is important, having a few planned activities can provide a nice balance. Consider creating a summer bucket list with your kids. This can include simple activities like visiting a new or favourite park, going on a nature hike, having a picnic, or more elaborate plans like taking a family vacation or visiting an amusement park. The key is to mix in a variety of activities to keep things interesting.


Set a Routine

Even though summer break is a time to relax, maintaining some semblance of a routine can be beneficial for both parents and children. Set regular times for meals, chores, and bedtime. A consistent routine helps children feel secure and can make the transition back to school easier when summer ends.


Encourage Learning

Just because school is out doesn’t mean learning has to stop. Summer is a great time for children to explore new interests and learn new skills. This can be through reading, games, summer camps, or even visiting museums and historical sites. Many libraries offer summer reading programs that can keep kids engaged and help prevent the summer slide.


Foster Independence

Use the summer months to teach your children some important life skills. Cooking, gardening, and basic household chores are valuable skills that kids can start learning at a young age. These activities not only keep them occupied but also teach responsibility and independence.


Prioritize Family Time

Summer break is an excellent opportunity to have more time together as a family. Plan family outings, game nights, and movie marathons. Use this time to reconnect and enjoy each other’s company without the pressures of the school year. Family time can create lasting memories and a strong foundation for your children.


Make Time for Yourself

While it’s important to spend time with your kids, it’s equally important to carve out some time for yourself. Whether it’s reading a book, going for a walk, or enjoying a hobby, make sure you have some moments to recharge. This will help you stay patient and energetic throughout the summer.


Be Flexible

Despite your best efforts to plan and organize, things may not always go as expected. Weather changes, mood swings, and unforeseen events can throw off your plans. Embrace the flexibility that summer offers and go with the flow. Sometimes, the best memories come from unplanned and spontaneous moments.


Reflect and Enjoy

At the end of the summer, take some time to reflect on the experiences you’ve shared as a family. Talk to your kids about their favorite moments and what they enjoyed the most. This not only helps you plan for future summers but also allows you to appreciate the time you’ve spent together.


Having your kids home for summer break can be a fun and fulfilling experience. By balancing unstructured time with planned activities, while keeping some semblance of a routine you can make the most of the season. Remember to stay active, make time for yourself, be flexible, and, most importantly, enjoy the precious moments with your children. Summer break is a fleeting period in the grand scheme of things, so make it count and create memories that will last a lifetime.
